From Employee Engagement to Actually Being Engaged…Seriously

Although we’ve been sharing the good news with essentially anyone who will listen (including people I’ve never met on my most recent back country ski hut trip), I’ve been anxious to tell you.

I was waiting to announce the news to a bunch of friends at a gathering at my house this last friday night. Each year I create a slideshow of friends’ pics capturing the amazing moments of the past year. Friday night’s included a few extras – of our engagement.

We are so grateful of the brilliant Christina Kiffney for the images. She hid in the bushes and captured our engagement without my gal even knowing (until I told her later on).

That’s me getting the “spot” ready for the big moment.

I blindfolded her and took her to the park where we had our first kiss. She had no idea it was coming…

Then I popped the question.

I am sure my next article will have more to do with “employee engagement.” But for now, I wanted to share news of “my engagement.”

To your success,


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