Your Personal Action Plan

Congratulations on establishing your goals! That is a huge step toward personal growth and success in the coming year and beyond.

The next step in our journey is to create the Personal Action Plan. Creating a Personal Action Plan for each goal is just as important as establishing the goal itself.  While the goal provides us with the destination, the Personal Action Plan provides us with the road map to get there. More specifically, our goals identified what we wanted to achieve and the passionate reasons for achieving them. The Personal Action Plan defines the steps we will take to make our goals a reality.

After completing your goals, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. However, with a Personal Action Plan that outlines the action items you will take and a target completion date, those overwhelming goals will not only become manageable, but they will become attainable. You see, success is simply a series of small steps that we take on a consistent basis. The Personal Action Plan lays out those small steps and provides us with the action items we need to take. The Personal Action Plan is effective because it is directly tied to the outcome we want to achieve.

Here is a fast and simple 3-step process to create a personal action plan for each of your goals.

  1. Brainstorm about all of the action items that you need to complete to accomplish your goals.
  2. Group similar action items to keep your plan as simple as possible.
  3. Sequence your action items and assign a target completion date.

Make sure that you identify at least one simple action item that you will complete today!

Interested in a more guided approach to establishing your best year yet? Checkout the Ultimate Goal Setting Guide.

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